

日期: 人气:

【#范文大全# #八年级新目标英语教案精选#】教案课件的重点在于:

1. 内容准确全面:教案课件应包含本堂课的教学目标、教学内容和教学步骤等,确保内容准确、全面,能够帮助学生系统地学习和理解知识。

2. 结构合理清晰:教案课件应按照教学的逻辑顺序组织,结构合理清晰,使学生能够循序渐进地学习和掌握每个知识点。

3. 简洁明了:教案课件应使用简洁明了的语言表达,避免冗长的文字和复杂的句子,让学生更容易理解和记忆。

4. 图文并茂:教案课件中应包含适当的图片、图表、示意图等辅助材料,帮助学生更直观地理解教学内容,并提高学习的兴趣和效果。

5. 注重学生互动:教案课件应设计一些学生参与互动的环节,如课堂讨论、小组合作等,促进学生的思维发展和交流能力的培养。



Teaching and learning steps

Step 1 Learn to read the words on p127

1. Look at the new words and try to read them in pairs.

2. Let one student to read them out .

3. Correct the pronunciation.

Step 2 : Learn to rem ember words on  p 103

一. Remember the words by looking at pictures.

1. robot

2. tree

3. rocket

4. astronaut

5. space station


7. pet

8. parrot

9. the Word Cup

10. scientist





二. Remember the words by matching itself with its meaning.

1. probably:maybe

2. unpleasant: not happy

3. housework: chores

三. Remember the words by th eir similar pronunciations and forms.

1. myself  yourself  herself  himself

2. few  fewer

3. look  book  took

4. which  such

5. man  human

6.bought  thought

7. sound  found

8. see   seem

四. Remember the words

1. possible (可能的)  impossible(不可能的)

2. bored(无聊的.,修饰人)  boring(无聊的,修饰物)

3.interview (动词,采访)  interviewer(名词,采访者)

五.Remember the words by their Chinese.

Step 3 Consolidation of words

听写单词,老师提学 生默。不会的,再 记忆,默写。


八年级新教材 Unit 2 教案-八年级英语教案-英语教案,试题,论文,听力

The first period: The road to modern English   (Reading)





文。本节课为阅读课,包括Warming-up, Pre-reading, Reading和Comprehending

四个部分。Warming up介绍世界英语,要求学生区分英美语单词。此部分的


Pre-reading 部分设置了两个与主题有关世界英语的问题。在激活学生已有的


言的起源、发展变化、行成原因,以及它的发展趋势。Comprehending 部分旨


include, play a role, because of, international, native, come up, culture, actually, present,

vocabulary, usage, identity, such as, rapidly

World Englishes come from those countries…(P9)

Native English speakers can understand each other…(P9)

It became less like German, and more like French…(P10)

Enable the students to describe the history of English and know of the differences between

American English and Britain English.

Help the students learn how to analyze the way author describe the history of English.

Divide the text into two parts and find the main idea of each paragraph.

Work together with the partners and express one’s opinion on why people all over the world want to

learn English.

Discussion, reading, listening, cooperative learning, asking-and-answering.

A computer, a recorder and a screen.

Arouse the students’ interest and let the students know of world English.

1.      How many languages can you speak?

Standard Chinese, Cantonese, English, Japanese…

2.  Which language is used most widely?   English

And which language has the largest number of speaker?  Chinese

3.      English is spoken in many countries, can you list some?

Britain, American, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India …

4.      Why English is spoken in other countries, like American, India…?

1). Englishmen once ruled American, India…

2). Many people moved to America.


5.      Do you think the kinds of English spoken in these countries are the same?

6.      Guess which of the following words are British English and which are American English.

mum/mom    in a term/on a term    rubber/eraser

British English: mum, in a term, rubber, petrol, center.

7.      Do you think old English and modern English are the same?

Listen to an English song ---- Auld Lang Syne,pay attention to the

lyrics (歌词)in red. And what conclusion can you get from this song?

Should auld (old) acquaintance be forgotten.

and never brought to mind?

Should auld (old)acquaintance be forgot

and days of auld lang syne  (为了过去的好时光?)

For auld lang syne my dear, for auld lang syne

We’ll take a cup of kindness yet for auld lang syne.

And here’s a hand my trusty friend

and gie’s a hand of thine.(give us a hand of yours)

We’ll take a cup of kindness yet for auld lang syne.

Get the students to know the history of English and help the students to form a good habit of reading.

Get the students to know the history of English and help the student to form a good habit of reading.

A. Fast-reading

Read the text quickly and answer two questions:

1. How did different kinds of English come about?

All languages change when cultures communicated with one another.

2. When was India ruled by Britain?

Read the text again carefully and finish three tasks:

1. Do Ex.1 of Comprehending on page 10.

Keys: 1.A    2.D    3.C    4.D    5.B

2.      How do you understand the title? (The history and development of English)

3.      How many parts can the text be divided into?

and find the main idea of each paragraph. (You can discuss in groups.)



1.教材的地位与作用:Unit10 I’m going to be a basketball player.这单元通过复习和学习一些关于职业的词汇,用be going to谈论长大以后打算做什么以及打算怎样实现目标,与七年级(下)Unit 4 I want to be an actor.学习关于职业的词汇以及用want to bedo谈论将来,和八年级(上)Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?用be doing谈论将来的打算有着密切的联系。本课是这单元的第一课和重点课,学好本课将为进一步学习一般将来时打下良好的基础。


(1).知识目标:掌握本课重点词汇computer programmer, computer science, engineer, pilot, professional ….本课主要句型:What are you going to be when you grow up? I’m going to be an engineer. How are you going to do that? I’m going to study math hard.

语法:用be going to表示一般将来时。



(4).教学重、难点:重点是掌握本课computer programmer, computer science, engineer, pilot, professional等重点词汇,What are you going to be when you grow up? I’m going to be an engineer. How are you going to do that? I’m going to study math hard.等重点句型和语法:用be going to表示一般将来时。

难点是一般将来时be going to中be的具体形式和后面接动词原形的用法,而学生根据自己喜欢的职业,运用所学知识谈论自己打算怎样做来实现目标则既是难点,又是能力训练点。







1.“Teach English in English”:即新课标倡导的“用英语教英语”,尽量用英语教学,创造英语课堂良好的听的环境,让学生充分感知,积极体验,大胆实践,把握用英语交际的机会,鼓励学生大胆开口说英语。


3.任务型教学法:倡导体验参与,培养自主学习能力。课前布置任务,要求学生复习七年级(下)Unit 4中关于职业的词汇,预先读本课新词,让学生带着任务有目的地上课,并在课堂学习中不断获得完成此任务所必须的知识、能力、技能等,为最终完成任务作全面的准备。

4.游戏教学法:新课标倡导的“玩中学,学中玩”的理念很受学生欢迎。设计猜谜游戏复习七年级(下)Unit 4中学到的关于职业的词汇,既达到以旧带新的目的,又有效地激发了学生的学习兴趣,活跃了课堂气氛。













五.说教学过程:根据英语五步教学法“组织课堂、复习、导入新课、讲授新知识、操练巩固”来开展教学,通过小组竞猜复习学过的关于职业的词汇,多媒体展示图片学习关于职业的新单词,通过联系实际介绍自己的个人成长计划,导入新用法What are you going to be when you grow up?进一步谈论How are you going to do that?引导学生用be going to谈论将来的计划,并通过听力训练、做调查、小组竞赛等形式进行操练,使学生更快更好地识记,巩固所学知识,提高灵活运用能力。


Unit 10 I am going to be a basketball player.

Name What is he/she going to do when he/she grows up? How is he/she going to do that?

Unit10 Section A Period1(Go for it 2A)教案

1.课题:I’m going to be a basketball player.




(1).知识目标:掌握本课重点词汇computer programmer, computer science, engineer, pilot, professional ….本课主要句型:What are you going to be when you grow up? I’m going to be an engineer. How are you going to do that? I’m going to study math hard.

语法:用be going to表示一般将来时。



(4).教学重、难点:重点是掌握本课computer programmer, computer science, engineer, pilot, professional等重点词汇以及What are you going to be when you grow up? I’m going to be an engineer. How are you going to do that? I’m going to study math hard.等重点句型和语法:用be going to表示一般将来时。

难点是一般将来时be going to中be的具体形式和后面接动词原形的用法,而学生根据自己喜欢的职业,运用所学知识谈论自己打算怎样做实现目标则既是难点,又是能力训练点。



Step1 Organization and duty report

Step2 Revision

1. Revise the words about jobs by playing a guessing game.

2. Ask students to say jobs we’ve learned.


Step3 Presentation

1. Teach new words and expressions by showing the pictures.


2. Present What are you going to be when you grow up? How are you going to do that?

3. Ask What’s heshe going to be when heshe grows up? How’s heshe going to do that?


Step4 Listening

Listen and match the items in 1b,then listen and repeat.


Step5 Practice

Ask the students to make an investigation about their future plans in groups of four.


Step6 Sum up

In this class we learn to use “be going to” to describe future plans.


Step7 Homework

Read the four conversations in 1b, recite one of them.

Make their own conversation in pairs, write it on the exercise books.



八年级(上)U24 L95-八年级英语教案-英语教案,试题,论文,听力


通过本课学习,进一步巩固情态动词的用法,掌握must和have to 的区别,以及\“每……\”的'表达法和instead之用法。



1. 复习昨天教过的新单词让学生齐读并抽个别学生起六拼写。

2. 现在有不少减肥药品,证明人们已经认识到了肥胖的危害,那么,肥胖究竟怎样让人们感到不适呢?Mrs Brown就遇到了这个问题,Let‘s turn to page 95,read the text as quickly as you can,then find out what was wrong with Mrs Brown.\“

① feel tired ②have to ③every five minutes ④look over ⑤nothing much wrong ⑥what do you mean ⑦exercise

感到… +adj(well,hungry,happy worried…)提问加助动词

其中,have to 随人称、时态的变化而变化,而must则没有时态、人称的


如:1、Do you want to sing as well as Jacky? 2、Where is Chendo?In the Southwest of China.


八年级(上)U24 L95_八年级英语教案-英语教案,试题,论文,听力


第一课时     l 教师设计        教学步骤       建议和说明     K热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) enjoy the movie (let’s travel) a. 教师播放录音,师生一起吟唱并观看。 b. 请学生watch the screen进行问答。如: what did I do yesterday? What did I do on vocation? What did Sam do three days ago? pairs work:“what did he/ she/ they do on last school trip?” K呈现/操练(Presentation/Practice) 教学句型“Did you go to the zoo?” a. guessing game:” What did Sam do on his last school trip? T: what did Sam do on his last school trip? Do you know? S: did he ……..? 教学地点名词aquarium, science center, gift shop, museum, 和动物名词dolphin, seal ,shark, octopus。实际情景中会运用询问和谈论过去发生的事情。 a Do you know the animals in the aquarium?  (3 minutes)  (Videotapes, flash)   Get Ss to watch a short movie to teach the animals in the aquarium. ( The key words: aquarium, shark, seal, crab, octopus, shell, starfish, fish) b Task One--- Test your memory  (3 minutes) (Pictures) i. Give Ss 30 seconds to remember the 9 pictures on the screen. ii.Test their memories by using “Were there …?”or “Did you see …?”to ask and answer. w pairs work (were there any books in the classroom yesterday? 1c .Listening  (5 minutes) (Audio cassette, the recorder) Have Ss listen to the tape and do the listening exercises on Page 47 1b. Encourage Ss to give the answers by having a competition among them K拓展/巩固(Extension/Consolidation) . Interview  (10 minutes) (Photos, the projector) i Have Ss bring their own photos. The photos should be about their last trips. Ask the students in Group 1 to exchange the photos with the students in Group 2. So does Group 3 & Group 4. ii   Suppose the students in Group 2 and Group 4 are famous persons. Give the students in Group 1 and Group 3 three minutes to interview the famous persons according to the photos. iii  Call out some to act it out. See who are the best actor and actress.   (Here are some suggestions for the reporters to interview the famous persons.)  I am a reporter from CCTV-9. Now I am going to interview …, How was your last trip? Did you go …? /Where did you go? Were there …? What did you do there? Did you see … there? Did you buy a souvenir? Did people there ask for your autograph? v完成《作业本》中相应的练习。 wHomework a. 学生在家听录音跟读。 b. 抄写本课时出现的地点名词aquarium, science center, gift shop, museum, 和动物名词dolphin, seal ,shark, octopus。 c. 采访并做好记录,下节课要向学生做汇报。          在动画片中调动学生情感,营造氛围,导入主题。让学生通过watch and answer来培养学生的语言能力和听力能力并有意识地复习前面学过一般过去发生的事情。使学生在完成任务的同时能有效地复习了前面学过的动词。       真实的情景使学生易学会aquarium, science center, gift hop, museum, 和动物名词dolphin, seal ,shark, octopus。       Students like new challenge, so testing their memory will arouse their interest. And this task provides speaking practice using the target language “Were there …?” “Did you see …?”     此时知识的.适当拓展对学生来说容易接受有不觉得突然。 真实的环境,激起了孩子们说的欲望;难度适中的任务,使大部分孩子有体验成功的机会。因此也容易进入新课的教学。Students are curious to know the places their classmates traveled, so this task gives them the chances to use the target language “Did you go …?”   视觉上的差异能突出重点,容易吸引孩子们的注意力。         该活动非常简单,可以使每个学生都有能力参加。   真实的环境有助于孩子们语言的输出。   最后,让学生在优美的旋律中结束本课的教学,并达到巩固的目的。     II. Blackboard design Unit 8  How was your school trip? I. New words & phrases  II. Sentence patterns aquarium What did you do …? shark  Did you …? seal Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t octopus  Were there …? souvenir Yes, there were. /No, there weren’t. autograph III. Competition Group 1 Group 2  Group3 Group 4  


本课件是为仁爱英语七年级上学期Unit 4 Topic 1 What can I do for you? Section A编写的教学课件。本单元内容主要围绕购物、打电话、表达时间以及谈论自己喜欢的事物和动物展开。本课要求学生学习并掌握购物的基本用语,掌握1000以内数字的读写方法,并能正确回应别人的感谢。本课件紧扣教学目标,直观生动,易于操作。




(幻灯片2-5。注:幻灯片2, 点击影片1播放3b歌曲;幻灯片3, 点击录音1播放3a语音部分。)


巩固----①听2a 录音,跟读,完成表格,并记忆。


③导入How much,学习价格询问方式。


⑤观看1a的动画,回答:How much is the coat?








八年级英语第十八单元Come to the party-八年级英语教案-英语教案,试题,论文,听力

A.单词 birthday 生日,party聚会,tell告诉,feel感觉,laugh大笑doorbell门铃,sandwich三明治,plate盘子,candle蜡烛

B.词组have a party举行聚会,give…the message把这个信息给……

2.日常用语 1)It does’t matter.没关系。2) see you!=Good bye!再见!3) Thank you for asking me to …。谢谢你邀请我……。4) May I speak to …,please ?我找×××接电话。5)Here’s your present。这是给你的礼物。6)Happy birthday! 生日快乐。7)There is no time to …。没有时间做某事。


邀请:1) Would you like to …? 2) I hope you can…

应答:1) Thanks a lot for…? 2) I would love to … 3) I’m very sorry, I can’t …

请求许可:1) May/ Could I speak to …, Please ? 2) Can I …?

应答:1) Certainly. 2) I’m afraid not. 3) sure. 4) No, you can’t.

1) 单独使用,可作肯定回答,相当于Certainly或Yes。例如:

①-Would you like to come ??/FONT>Sure。你愿意来吗?当然愿意。

2)祈使句Be sure +动词不定式,可用于表示向对方提出强烈的要求,意为“务必”、“切望”。例如:

②Be sure to return it next week. 请务必下星期归还。

③Be sure to come again to Beijing.一定要再来北京。

3)be sure +动词不定式,表示说话人的一种推测或判断,可译为“一定”、“肯定”。例如:

④It’s sure to snow this afternoon.今天下午一定会下雪。

⑤The old woman is sure to live to ninety.那个老人肯定能活到九十岁。

4)be sure +of /about.表示主语,即人“相信”或“对……有把握”。例如:

⑥Mr Green is sure of his business.格林先生对自己的工作很有把握。

⑦I am sure of getting to the top.我自信能达到顶峰。

5)be sure +从句,表示“肯定”、“有把握”。例如:

⑧I am sure that my sister can skate well.我肯定我妹妹滑冰特棒。

⑨Are you sure he is living in Xi’an ?你肯定他就住在西安吗?


⑩She’s sure to stay here./I’m sure of her staying here./I’m sure that she will stay here./Surely she will stay here.

1)That’s right.“对”,“很对”。例如:

①-Classes begin at 7:40, don’t they ? -Yes, that’s right.?-7:40开始上课,是吗?-对.

2)All right.“行”、“好(吧)”、“(病)好了”。例如:

②-Shall we go out for a walk ?-All right .我们散步去好吗?-行。好。

3)That’s all right.“没关系”、“不用谢”。是向对方致谢或道歉时的`礼貌用语。例如:

③-I’m sorry I have broken your pen.-That’s all right.


④-Thank you very much.-That’s all right.别客气。

1)be afraid +动词不定式,表示不敢做某事。 2)be afraid of +动词?-ing,表示害怕出现某种结果。例如:

①I am afraid to get up late because I’m afraid of getting there late.


2)I’m afraid +从句,往往相当于I’m sorry, but …,表示带有歉意的回绝,表示带有一种担忧。例如:

②I’m afraid I can’t go with you.=I’m sorry, but I can’t go with you.


3)I’m afraid so与I’m afraid not常用作答语,前者表示肯定,后者表示否定。so和not相当于that从句。例如:

③-It is going to rain.?-Yes, I’m afraid so./Yes. I’m afraid that it is going to rain.-是的,恐怕是要下雨了。

④-Shall we play foot ball here ?-I’m afraid not. /I’m afraid that you mustn’t play football here.我们在这儿踢球行吗?-恐怕不行。

注:I’m afraid与I hope互为反义。例如:

⑤I’m afraid she won’t go there tomorrow.我担心/怕她明天不去那儿。

⑥I hope she won’t go there. 我希望她明天不去那儿。


1)so +助动词/情态动词/连系运动+另一主语,表示另一主语与前面某人的动作或状态有着相同的肯定概念。例如:

①I am a student and so is she.我是个学生,她也是。

②They had a good time last night, so did I.昨晚他们玩得很愉快,我也是。

③He can swim and so can I.他会游泳,我也会。


④-This story is very interesting.-So it is.-这个故事很普通.-的确如此。

⑤-They study very hard. ?-So they do .-他们学习十分努力.-的确如此。

5. It’s a pleasure. 与with pleasure的区别。

△It’s a Pleasure./ A pleasure与You are welcome.等习语意义相同,用于当别人对你说Thank you. 时,即“不用谢”。例如:

-Thank you for coming to see me . -It’s a pleasure.-谢谢你来看我.-不用谢。

△With pleasure与All right, No problem. I’d like to等习语意义相同。用于别人求你做某事,你很乐意去做的时候。例如:

-Could you post the letter for me ? -With pleasure.


注:简而言之,It’s a pleasure用于事情发生之后,而with pleasure用于事情发生之前。

1)( )A. happy B. fly C. July D. dry

2)( )A. English B. shine C. thank D. thing

3)( )A. reach B. child C. teacher D. school

4)( )A. above B. love C. strong D. son

5)( )A. count B. country C. young D. enough

6)( )A. weather B. heavy C. great D. ready

7)( )A. tooth B. foot C. book D. good

8)( )A. similar B. south C. sure D. bus

9)( )A. birthday B. yesterday C. today D. says

10)( )A. park B. warm C. party D. part

1)-Your father isn’t a worker, is he ? - .

A. No, he is .

2)-Thank you for teaching us so well, Miss Gao. - .

D. That’s all right.

3)-Where are you, lucy ?-I’m in the bedroom, and .

4) a great party ! delicious the cake is !

5)I get up very late this morning. There no time have breakfast.

6)-May I use the bike, please ?- , it’s not mine.

7)-Lovely weather!- .

B. Yes, isn’t it ?

D. No, it is sunny.

8)-Hello, may I speak to Jim, please ?- .

B. I am here.

9)-I’m sorry I’ve broken your pen. - .

10)-Could you take a message for me, please ?- .

We drink tea every day. But more than three hundred years ago, most people in Europe did not know anything about tea. Some people had heard about it, but very few of them knew what to do about it.

There’s a story about an English sailor(海员) who went do countries in the east, the west and the south. He had been to India and China. One day he came home and brought some tea as a present for his mother. She told her friends about the present and asked them to a “tea-party”. When her friends came to the “tea-party”, the old woman brought out some tea leaves and asked them to eat. Of course, nobody liked the tea-leaves. At that time, the sailor came in. he looked at the table and said, “Mother, what have you done with the tea ?” “I boiled(煮)it as you said.”. “and what did you do with the water ?”“I threw it away, of course.” answerd the old woman. Now ,“you may throw away the leaves, too. ”Said the sailor.

1.The sailor gave his mother some as a present.

2.The old woman asked her friends to a .

3.The guests ate at the tea-party.

4.Everyone the tea-leaves.

5.The old woman kept the leaves but threw the away.

Every week Peter and Linda 1 from their parents. This money is their weekly pocket money. 2 is not a gift(礼物), Peter and Linda must work 3 the family then they can get the money. Peter 4 out the garbage(车库) and cleans the places around 5 .He should do it every day, 6 sometimes he forgets. Linda helps her mother 7 the cooking. She also washes the dishes(盘子)after meals. Peter and Linda 8 use their money for food. They use it for something they 9 . Sometimes they get to a park. Sometimes they buy books. They keep their money to buy something 10 .

八年级英语第十八单元Come to the party_八年级英语教案-英语教案,试题,论文,听力





重点词汇:1,want somebody to do 2. be good for 3.pretty healthy 4.my eating habit 4.try to do 5.two or three times a week 6. help somebody do 7.look after my health 8.get good grades 9.study better 10.the same as 11. kind of unhealthy







1, 设计课后巩固练习的幻灯片,2部分有关事务的幻灯片3录音机和磁带。学生准备收集自己和他人生活习惯的信息: 查找更多食物的英语名称。


1、听单词录音,熟记Section A的新单词,并制作单图片。


3、读1a、1c中的对话,区别My name’s Jenny.和I’m Jenny.

4、找出并区别I you my your his her。


1. 预习导学或自测

1) 很少/几乎不曾_______________

2) surf the lnternet _______________

3) 大部分学生__________________

4) as for ________________________

5) 一周两次_______________________

6) be good for ________________________

7) 照顾___________________________

8) eating habits ______________________

9) 六到八次_______________________

10) try to do sth ___________________

Step1. Revision.

Ask and answer in pairs like this.

What do you do on weekends/、、、/I often exercise How often do you exercise ?. I exercise five times a week.


Step2.Leading in.

1,要求学生将单词和字母对应,完成1a任务,2,引导学生进行1B的pair work 活动,自编对话完成1b中的学习内容。

(设计说明)这里可巩固练习词组,want somebody to do.与 be good for并造句子。




5.引导学生进行2c的Pair work活动,自编对话,完成2c中的学习内容。

6.引导学生阅读3a的短文,要求学生回答设计的问题,完成3a的内容引导学。合作探究 课文解析. 3a

1) pretty表示“十分”作副词用,我们以前学过quite和very也有这种意思。其中它们的程度由浅入深为quite→pretty→very.


2)I exercise every day, usually when I come home from


3) eating habits:

4) try to do sth意为


5) Of course.:

6) So you see, I look after my health. 所以你看,我很在意我的健康。

look after 意为

eg:Can you when I leave?



(1)look at

eg:Please look at the blackboard.

(2)look for


(3)look like


4) Good food and exercise



6) be good for

7)be good at =do well in

8)be good to sb.

9) 和…相同


不同: (n.)difference

eg.There are many (不同点)between the two pictures.

10) although虽然,尽管,引导让步状语从句,与 同义,但不能与 同时出现在一个复合句中,可与still, yet同用。

11) 保持健康: = be in good health =keep/ be healthy



A. sometime是副词,意为“在某个时候”,“某时”

B. sometimes:有时候是副词。

C. some time是名词词组,意为“一段时间”,做时间状语用

D.some times是名词词组,意为“几次,几倍”。

eg:(1)I met him in the street last month.

(2) Will you come again next week?

(3) I will stay here for






a. go to the movies

b. watch TV

c. shop

d. exercise


F,listen to music

(设计说明)循序渐进学习目标语言Step10. Do some exercises.


Step11. Summing-up

Stress the important phrases and sentences in this class.

Step12. Homework







Unit 1 How often do you exercise?

第二课时Section B


A bold attempt is half success.(勇敢的尝试是成功的一半)




milk, junk food, health, unhealthy, habit, exercise, most, result, try, different maybe, although,


junk food, as for, on weekends, no students, try to do, look after, kind of


1.But my mother wants me to drink it.

2.She says it’s good for my health

3.I try to eat a lot of vegetables.

4.Is her lifestyle the same as yours or different?






区分How many /how much, health/healthy, different/difference


Step1. Free talk

同桌练习How often do you ……?及其回答

Step 2.1.Talk about the pictures. Practice the key words.完成1a

2. Pairwork Ask the Ss to show their works and perform it.

Step 3.Listening 完成2a,2b Check the answers

Step 4.合作探究

课文解析. 3a 3b

1.Warm up and Lead in: Say something about your eating habits

Talk about their eating habits.

2. Play the recorder. Listen and read 3a

3. Answer the questions .Try to answer these questions

4. Ask the Ss to sum up the language points Sum up the language points Textbook

5. Read and finish 3b Complete the article


1.pretty:adj. 漂亮的.,美丽的 adv.很,相当

2. when:conj. 当…的时候. 引导时间状语从句

3. eating habits饮食习惯

4. try to do sth.尽力做/努力做…. Try doing sth.试图做….

5. look after 照顾=take care of ,关注,注重

6. get good grades:得到好的成绩

7. help sb. (to) do sth.

8. the same as和…相同

9. different (adj.)- (n.)difference good Cbetter-best

10. although虽然,尽管,引导让步状语从句,与though同义,但不能与but 同

时出现在一个复合句中,可与still, yet同用。

11. maybe:或许,大概,常放在句首

Step 5. 梳理归纳 Section B 词组归纳:

1) be good for 对什么有益 2) be bad for对什么有害

3) want to do sth 想做某事 4) want sb to do sth想某人做某事

4) 5)try to do sth 尽量做某事

6) come home from school放学回家

7) of course = certainly = sure当然

8)get good grades取得好成绩

9) some advice

10)hardly=not nearly / almost not几乎不

11) keep/be in good health保持健康

12)pretty healthy 相当健康

13) my eating habits 我的饮食习惯

14)drink milk 喝牛奶

15)so you see 正如你所看到的

16)look after 照顾

17)my healthy lifestyle 我的健康饮食习惯

18)help sb.do sth 帮助某人做某事

19)the same as 和….一样

20)be different from 与….不同

Step 6.达标检测 根据汉语意思完成下列各句,每空一词。

1. 做眼保健操对你的眼睛有好处。

Doing eye exercises _______ _______ _______ your eyes.

2. 我们尽量准时到达那里。

We _______ _______ get there on time.

3. 散步有助于保持健康。

Walking helps to keep ______ _______ ________.

4. ―你多长时间看一次电影? ―我一个星期看两次。

― ______ _______ do you watch TV?

― I watch TV twice a week.

5. 每天运动对我们的健康有好处。

It’s good for our health ______ _______ every day.

Step7. 完成综训section B

Step8. 课后反思



我的疑问: 文章


The courseware role

The various teaching information suggested to learners;

(2) to provide information and information processing for the diagnosis, evaluation, prescription and learning of the learning process;

In order to improve learning motivation and motivation, it is used to strengthen the learning evaluation information of learning stimulation.

It is used to the learning data, to realize the teaching strategy and the control method of learning process control.

POWERPOINT is the best choice for teachers who have started their courseware theory and technology. Because the operation is very simple, most of the people can basically grasp at half a day. So, it can be beautiful idea on how to implement the case in the courseware design intent, how to enhance the effect of the courseware, as well as technical progress, is also a theoretical deepening, through the production of several related case, the concept of the courseware will be into the heart into the brain.

Multimedia courseware

Refers to the multimedia teaching courseware according to teacher's teaching plans, to describe the need of teaching content through the computer multimedia (video, audio, animation, images, text to describe and class requirements. Vivid, it can vividly describe various teaching problem, increase the atmosphere of classroom teaching, improve the students' interest in learning, to broaden the students' knowledge, in 10 years the means, is widely used in middle and primary school teaching is the inevitable trend of modern teaching development.

Electronic courseware advantage

Compared with traditional textbooks, electronic courseware has the advantage of the richness of resources and the autonomy of learning. Electronic courseware content is very rich, including textbooks, teaching plan, practice, self-test, reference books and related cases, etc., like a small library, brought great convenience to students' learning, students can grasp the learning progress according to their own specific conditions.

Electronic lesson plans

Lesson plan is to describe how to class, usually is a teacher of the written word, preparation before class is an important part of the first-line teachers teaching, plays a key role in the whole teaching activity, the preparation of achievements is form the lesson plan. However, traditional teaching cases are often a result of personal achievement, and teachers form teaching cases according to their understanding of the content of knowledge and teaching design, mainly in the word electronic documents or written form. The disadvantage is that it cannot be Shared and modified in time.

Electronic lesson plan design includes teaching material analysis, teaching design, review introduced, interaction between teachers and students, exercises to consolidate, etc.), blackboard writing, teaching reflection and other traditional link, also including courseware, such as links to database, friendship can give full play to the advantage of information technology new link. In a teaching case, full integration of the picture, the text, the sound, like the role of various media, stimulate students' interest in learning. Its biggest feature is to provide links, easy to call, vivid and intuitive.















How do you get to school?教案高青县教研室 刘林华 陈永兵 郭丽佳 Section A 完成任务所需词汇和句型: 1.words and phrases: subway take the subway train minute kilometer how far school bus by boat car bicycle 2.sentences: How do you get to school? I ride my bike/ walk to school. How does he/ she get to school? He/ She takes the bus. How long dies it take? It takes about forty minutes. How far is it from your home to school? It’s 3 miles. 活动任务一: 课前准备: 让学生搜集或绘制各种类型的交通工具的图片并标上英语单词。 课堂活动: 让学生展示自己搜集或绘制的有关交通工具的图片和英文单词。利用图片教学有关交通工具的英文单词。两人一组,一人出示图片,一人快速的说出相关的单词。然后做贴图游戏。在黑板上出示交通工具的'单词,分成两个大组,每组分别选派不同的代表,在规定的时间内,将图片贴在相对应的单词旁边,贴的数量多的小组获胜。 完成任务所需的词汇: subway train school bus boat car bicycle bus plane motorbike… 活动任务二: 四人一组,调查家庭成员上学或上班的方式。完成下列表格,先在小组内交流,然后选择几名学生在班内作汇报。 Members How do you/ does your father… go to school/go to work? Father Mother Sister or brother ** 完成任务所需要的词汇和句型: subway take the subway train school bus by boat car bicycle How do you get to school? How does your father/ mother/ sister/ brother go to work? 活动任务三: 四人一组,调查小组成员的上学方式及花费的时间。完成下表,先在小组内交流,然后每组选派代表在班内作汇报。 Name How How long                         完成任务所需要的句型: How do you get to school? I ride my bike / walk to school. How long dies it take? It takes about forty minutes. 活动任务四: 听录音回答下面三个问题 Lin Fei’s home is about 10 kilometers from school. He gets up at six o’clock every day, showers, and has a quick breakfast. Then he leaves for school at around half past six. First, he rides his bike to the bus station. That takes about ten minutes. Then the early bus takes him to school. The bus ride usually takes about 25 minutes. 1.How does he get to school? 2.How long does it take? 3.How far is it from his home to school? Section B 活动任务五 就自己同学的上学情况或同学父母的上班情况作一次采访,完成下表,然后形成一篇报道,向全班同学汇报。 Name How to get to school How long How far                                 完成任务所需要的句型: How do you get to school? I ride my bike / walk to school. How long dies it take? It takes about forty minutes. How far is it from your home to school? It’s 3 miles. 活动任务六: 阅读3a的短文,完成下面表格,并且复述。 place How to get to school North America Japan Big cities of China Hongshanhu and Kaishandao Self Check 活动任务 七 Free talk Report your survey about your classmates in your group. 活动任务 八 1. Fill in the blanks with the words given. 2. Check the answers. 3. Make four sentences with each given word by using different people and places. 4.Pairwork Read the sentences that you made to your parts. 活动任务 九 1. Complete the conversation. 2. Pairwork Act out the conversation. 3. Act out Student A chooses student B by himself or herself, and then act out the conversation. Homework Survey and writing Survey your family members about the following questions, and fill in the chart. How do you get to work? How far do you live from the workplace? How long does it take to get to work? What do you think of the transportation in your town? Do you have any good idea for the transportation? Members Answers Father Mother Uncle Aunt Others  



1. I want to be a computer programmer . (对划线部分提问)

_____ _____ _____ _____to be?

2. She is going to practice basketball. (对划线部分提问)

_____ _____ she going to _____?

3. I’m going to study math.(变成一般疑问句)

_____ _____ going to study math?

4. Tom is going to take acting lessons.(变否定句)

_____ _____ going to take acting lessons.






两人一组,一个人面对屏幕边做动作边问:“What do you want to be when you grow up?” 另一个人背对屏幕猜职业并用英语回答I want to be a/an …







新目标英语八年级上册Unit 5 教学设计






本课的重点词汇短语:study for a test, go to the doctor, have a piano lesson, help my parents, visit my anut, thanks a lot for sth, have to culture club及时间短语;on Saturday afternoon,the day after tomorrow,the whole day等。

重点句型:can开头发出邀请的一般疑问句,和接受及拒绝的答句。Sure,I’d love to, sorry,I can’t, thank you for your invitation/asking, sorry I have to… 及用现在进行时表示将来计划或行动





SectionA The 1st period 一,新课导入(cead-in)1,用unit3 What are you doing for vacation?来提问,这样既可复习旧的句型,也可以图片呈现方式引处新的短语:study for a test, go to the doctor, have a piano lesson, help my parents, visit my aunt.2,下对全体同学:Halloween is coming ,I will have a party, can you come to my party?启发学生基础。

Students: Sure ,I’d love to.和I’m sorry I have to go to the doctor 以及Sorry, I can’t, I am studying for a test.etc.3,小组操练,就上述导入的新句型反复操练,进行强调及反复练习。并鼓励学生,发挥自己想象力,根据自己的实际情况创立真实的情境练习发出邀请,及接受或拒绝邀请。4,听力练习,完成1B,再让学生复述听力原文。

5,Guess game

Can you guess why? 准备一些遮住一部分的图片,然后逐步露出图片,让学生猜:

T :I invited come of my friend to my birthday party, but they have some plans, so they can’t come to my party, Can you guess why? Keys:Can he come to my party?No,he can’t ,He has to go to the movies.Etc He is playing soccer on starday? 这一部分即使一个猜图片的游戏,也是对Can引导的一般疑问句和have to及用现在进行时表示将来计划或行动的练习。6,导入听力,完成P26-2a,2b,Can jeff/many/may/claudia/poul come to the party? 7,pairwork(张靓颖本周来葫芦岛开演唱会,你有两张票,邀请你的同学和你一块去)

A:Can you go to the concert whit me?




SactionB The 2nd period 一,导入新课


并向学生介绍一周安排(如P27 4表格)二,设计日程表





Go to the piano lesson at 9:00 am.Visit my grand ma at 3:00 pm.Go to the concert in the evening.Watch a football game in the afternoon.三,教师呈现课前准备的几分邀请卡并教会学生阅读邀请卡,并设计几个问题,提问学生完成。以此为契机,讲解应用阅读理解的解题思路及方法。并选择一到两篇相应的应用文阅读理解,限时完成。为进一步提高阅读能力奠定基础。并完成P27-3a。









Saction The 3rd period 一,导入新课。

P29 3a 听力形式呈现,听后回答问题。

What is Sonia’s doing on Monday—Friday?


Thank you for doing sth.Have tennis training.On Friday evening etc.三,完成3b P29






五,Homework(给一定信息写一篇回复信)你的好朋友Anna邀请你去看演唱会,你不能去,原因如下: 1,你将为周一的物理考试做准备。



The fourth period 一,导入新课(lead-in)(准备一份台历)

(完成Scation B 1a)What’s the date today? What was the date yesterday? What day is it today?(tomorrow, the day after fromm并引出What’s today、It’s nonday the 14th

二,listening 完成P28 2a 2b 三,pairwork 引导学生根据2A录音内容,分小组展开课堂Pairwork对话及交流活动,培养口语能力,完成2C内容。

三,完成p30 slef cheak

并用Play soccer come to… have to 口头操练,以此夯实基础。

四,1,完成P30 2 当堂评讲,2,补充练习题《中学生英语》P30 1-10













优秀生:许嘉鹏 金美子 于海波 李强 王春宁 杨旭 崔旭峰 藤林

学困生:丁兆梅 郑玉晶 孙伟峰 王林虎







unit 1 how often do you exercise?

unit 2 what’s the matter?

unit 3 what are you doing for vacation?



unit 4 how do you get to school?


unit 5 can you come to my party?


难点:掌握情态动词have to。

unit 6 i’m more outgoing than my sister.


unit 7 how do you make a banana milk shake?

unit 8 how was your school trip、


unit 9 when was he born?

难点:when was …?与when did …?的区别。

unit 10 i’m going to be a basketball player.

难点:掌握be going to结构和want to be结构。

unit 11 could you please clean your room?

unit 12 what’s the best radio station?










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