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Of course, and I am very proud of it.


Reason 1: we respect knowledge


Especially as a woman, it is a great thing to be born in China, because the Chinese people worship wisdom, and it has always been a country that respects knowledge and diligence. Therefore, I don't understand why the most popular children in Chinese schools are always some brainless sports boys and cheerleaders in the American League series.


I read from peterhesseler's Book River town that when the author has a dispute with a few local people, other local Chinese will stand up for him because he is a teacher and his Chinese students always try to invite him to dinner, even if these students come from remote areas and are very poor, just because they think he is an educated person, They respect him from the bottom of their hearts.

我从彼得·海塞勒(peter hesseler)的著作《河镇》(river town)中读到,当作者与少数当地人发生争执时,其他中国当地人会站出来为他辩护,因为他是一名教师,他的中国学生总是试图请他吃顿饭,即使这些学生来自偏远地区,而且非常贫穷,只是因为他们认为他是一个受过教育的人,他们从心底尊重他。

In Chinese, if you say someone is literate (knowledgeable), it will be the highest praise. For thousands of years, we have always respected our teachers. In the past, we even had special stoves everywhere to burn old paper with words. We thought that the writing language was intelligent and could not be thrown anywhere we wanted. There is a saying on the stove: "respect paper", which means to respect and cherish paper.


Reason 2: long history


As one of the four ancient civilizations, ancient India, ancient Babylon and ancient Egypt, I am very proud of it. Moreover, China is the only country that has not been divided into generations.


Even a hundred years is too short for Chinese history. When we face major crises and difficulties, we will turn to the wisdom of our ancestors. I will quote a man who lived in 1900. That was the most vulnerable moment in Chinese history. When he realized that the Westerners he talked to looked down on the Chinese, he said:


Where do you Westerners' sense of superiority come from? Are you superior to us in art or literature? Are our thinkers not as profound as yours? Is our civilization coarser, more primitive and less fashionable than yours? Why, when you live in caves and wear animal skins, we are already an educated nation. Do you know that we have made a unique experiment in the history of the world? We rule this great country not by force, but by wisdom. For centuries, we have been successful. So why do white people despise yellow people? Shall I tell you? Because he invented the machine gun.


This is your western advantage. We are an unarmed nation. You have shattered the dream of Chinese philosophers, so that the world can be ruled by the power of advanced technology and weapons.


You imposed on us your terrible inventions. Don't you know that this country has 400million of the most pragmatic and hardworking people in the world? Do you think it will take us a long time to learn? If the yellow people can make guns as good as the white people and shoot them farther, will your advantage continue to exist? You have opened Pandora's box, and you will be tried by machine gun. "You can easily blow many tribes in the world into the garbage of history, but you can do nothing about this nation alone.


Reason 3: Eternal rebellious spirit


Do the princes and generals have seed? It is an old saying that every Chinese knows. It is also the slogan of the peasant uprising 2000 years ago. It means that Chinese people doubt that people of noble birth are born noble? Most Chinese have not believed in religion for thousands of years. We believe in ourselves. The only local religious value deeply rooted in the hearts of the Chinese people is Tao. They do not believe in God or such things. Their goal is to become a God who controls their own destiny.


There are legends about great floods all over the world, in which most people were saved by God. In China, we saved ourselves with our own hands and leadership. For example, Yu, the leader of ancient Chinese tribes, was a 100% man. Man must help himself and then God helps him. This sentence means that man must work hard before God gives him a chance.


It can be said that being a Chinese is really great. My Chinese ancestry has always inspired me.


• being Chinese means that you can easily trace the cultural history back to thousands of years ago and touch the temperature of the ancient people's remains in words and works of art.


• being Chinese means that you have the opportunity to experience and appreciate the diverse cultures of different nationalities and regions on this land.


• being Chinese means you can have a sense of belonging to the most elegant culture in the world. We have unique characters, literary masterpieces, buildings, and even cooking methods.


• being a Chinese means that you can have a glorious history of your own country. We have had the best time. The golden age has appeared several times in ancient history. We also had the worst of times, such as the five indiscriminate movements and the war of resistance against Japan, but in the end we survived. Even if there are some uncertain disasters in the future, I think we have the ability to make China great again.



• as a Chinese, you can meet and talk with many interesting people. They can be top talents in all walks of life or hard-working workers. We can't deny that the pressure of young people has always been a concern in this populous country.


• as a Chinese, you must also endure some problems that occur from time to time, such as pollution, food safety, traffic jams, etc.


No matter what other people think of China, I am proud of her endless civilization, fighting spirit and endless progress.




I am not Chinese, but I can answer this question from the perspective of a third party. Here are some facts to help you understand the Chinese people.


When you think of China, you may think of the food, scenery and history there. In addition to these, you will find that the Chinese people are the real reason to make this country one of the greatest countries in the world. Maybe you are worried that the cultural difference may be a little big when you come here for the first time? That's all right. We have summarized a few useful tips that you can follow to ensure that you fit in, make friends, and get to know those who call China home.


1. Comparing Chinese culture with coconut


I find it helpful to remember this food metaphor when communicating with people from different cultures. China is considered a coconut culture, while the United States is considered a peach culture. You may be used to meeting new Americans, who are open and frank when they meet, but may never adhere to their initial attitude of "we should have a cup of coffee sometime". The United States is a peach culture, because peaches have a soft appearance and a hard interior, which shows that we Americans were initially open to making new friends.


In China, their culture is more like coconut. Although you may think that Chinese people are more "cold" than Westerners when you first meet them, this should not be interpreted as rude. Coconut culture is a culture in which people show formal appearance and win close friendship over time. The Chinese may look cold, but they are as kind and enthusiastic as other cultures.


2. Family is the top priority


In Chinese traditional and modern culture, the family is a unit closely connected to each other.


In western culture, if you meet an adult who still lives with his parents, you may begin to make negative assumptions about their lifestyle. In China, close family relationships are more common and more positive. Family members' living in one home does not reflect their success. It is usually the life arrangement chosen by all relevant people. In China, it is normal to respect and maintain a close relationship with parents and children, while in the west, this is the opposite of our more personalized approach.


Keeping this in mind can help you understand the values of your Chinese friends. If they invite you to dinner, going home means that you are very important to them.




3. The Chinese are good at remembering history


Chinese soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the country will be ceremoniously commemorated. Foreigners interested in history can have access to this.


In the west, we have experienced many changes in the past 50 years. But history will tell you that our changes are very different from the changes China has experienced. The Second World War dealt a devastating blow to the Chinese Mainland, and millions of Chinese people lost their lives in the war. In addition, China went through another civil war, and many Chinese volunteers also fought and died in the Korean War. Although China has been in a state of peace for decades, protecting its own country and power is still the main concern of the government and people.


4. Different philosophies create different cultures


In China, this culture is to a large extent shaped by Eastern philosophy such as Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. In every faith, values include the concepts of harmony, wealth and collectivity.


Understanding these root causes can help you understand how these root causes affect the lifestyle of modern Chinese people.


Even in modern times, Chinese society is influenced by these ideas. In a country with a large population, maintaining peace and harmony has always been a major issue, which is why the Chinese often avoid radical conflict. People usually think that it is more important to get along with others than to listen to their own opinions.


5. The Chinese are outspoken, but not always. They are also very implicit


I hope all the Chinese people you meet can give sincere advice.


We have always heard that Asian rhetorical styles are very circular. That is to say, before reaching a certain point, the dialogue usually starts around a certain point. This may be true when talking about how people deal with delicate topics, but it should not be regarded as a general rule. You may be surprised at the straightforward way many Chinese speak to foreigners.


At home, unless you are very close, it is not appropriate to comment on someone's weight (and perhaps not at that time). However, in China, opinions can be expressed very directly without establishing too many relationships. Again, this is not rude. What is obvious to them is just a form of dialogue rhetoric. Chinese people are also good at using metaphors to express their views, which is always difficult to detect.



6. Personal space is much smaller in China


Busy streets are nothing new to Chinese people. It can be attributed to collectivist society and urban expansion, but Chinese people are much more comfortable than foreigners in a narrow space. In China, whether it is crowded subway cars or just sitting on the table and chatting, they will feel happy, and foreigners will feel a bit claustrophobic.


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