

日期: 人气:


1、Patriotism is about putting the needs of our country before our own personal interests. 爱国主义是把国家的需要置于自己个人利益之上。


3、Home is where family is. 家是有家人的地方。

4、Love for country is the foundation of true patriotism. 对国家的爱是真正爱国主义的基础。

5、A home is not just a physical place, it's an emotional state. 家不仅仅是一个物理的地方,它更是一种情感状态。

6、Patriotism is the love for one's country. 爱国主义是对自己的国家的热爱。

7、There is no place like home, no matter how humble it may be. 无论家多么简陋,其实并没有什么地方能和家相比。


9、A country's greatness is reflected in its ability to maintain peace and stability. 一个国家的伟大反映在其维护和平与稳定的能力上。

10、Home is where the heart is. 家是心之所属。

11、Patriotism does not consist in waving the flag, but in striving that our country shall be righteous as well as strong. 爱国主义不是挥舞国旗的行为,而是努力使我们的国家既强大又正义。

12、No nation can rise to the height of glory unless its women are side by side with their men. 除非女性和男性并肩而立,否则没有一个国家可以达到荣耀的高度。

13、Home is where we find hope and optimism. 家是我们找到希望和乐观的地方。

14、The true way to render ourselves happy is to love our country and value its laws. 让自己快乐的真正方法是爱国和重视国家的法律。

15、A true patriot always stands up for his country. 一个真正的爱国者总是坚定地为国家站起来。

16、Home is where we create our own happy endings. 家是我们创造自己快乐结局的地方。



19、A country's greatness is measured by the welfare of its citizens. 一个国家的伟大之处在于其公民的福祉。


21、A country's greatness lies in its people. 一个国家的伟大在于其人民。

22、Home is where we find peace and happiness. 家是我们找到平静和幸福的地方。

23、Patriotism is not limited to a certain way of thinking or political ideology. 爱国主义不限于某种思维方式或政治意识形态。


25、Home is where we feel comfortable and relaxed. 家是我们感觉舒适和放松的地方。

26、It's not where you live, it's how you live that makes a home. 一个家不在于你住在哪里,而是你如何生活。



29、Patriotism means defending our country's values and principles. 爱国主义意味着捍卫我们国家的价值观和原则。


31、A country's identity lies in its culture and traditions. 一个国家的身份在于其文化和传统。


33、Home is where we find inspiration and motivation. 家是我们找到灵感和动力的地方。

34、A true patriot is someone who puts his country before himself. 一个真正的爱国者是那些把国家放在自己之前的人。

35、A nation's strength ultimately consists in what it can do on its own, and not in what it can borrow from others. 一个国家的实力最终在于自己能做什么,而不是能向别国借什么。

36、Home is where we find comfort and rest. 家是我们找到舒适和休息的地方。



39、Home is where we learn about life and its lessons. 家是我们了解生活和其教训的地方。


41、There is no greater honor than to serve one's country. 没有比为国家服务更高的荣誉。




45、A true patriot is someone who is willing to challenge his government when it strays from its values and principles. 一个真正的爱国者是那些在政府偏离其价值观和原则时愿意挑战政府的人。

46、Home is where we find strength and courage. 家是我们找到力量和勇气的地方。



49、The strength of a nation comes from the integrity of its citizens. 一个国家的力量源自于其公民的诚信。

50、The love of country is like a fire that burns in every true patriot's heart. 爱国之心像一团火,在每个真正的爱国者心中燃烧。



53、The beauty and diversity of a country is reflected in its culture. 一个国家的美丽和多样性体现在其文化中。

54、There is no place like home. 没有任何地方能和家相比。

55、Patriotism never goes out of fashion. 爱国主义永远不会过时。


57、A country's success is determined by the success of its people. 一个国家的成功取决于其人民的成功。

58、Home is where we feel loved and accepted. 家是我们感受到爱和接纳的地方。

59、Home is where we create a sense of belonging and community. 家是我们创造归属感和社区感的地方。



62、A patriot is someone who loves their country enough to defend it against all enemies, foreign and domestic. 爱国者是那些足够爱自己的国家,以至于能够保卫它免受所有的敌人,无论是国内还是国外的。

63、A home is a place where life begins and love never ends. 家是生命开始的地方,爱永不停息。

64、A nation that destroys its soil destroys itself. 毁坏自己的土地的国家会毁灭自己。

65、Home is where we learn and grow. 家是我们学习和成长的地方。

66、A true patriot is always willing to sacrifice for their country. 一个真正的爱国者总是愿意为他们的国家牺牲。


68、A true patriot is always ready to defend their country against all threats, both internal and external. 一个真正的爱国者总是准备好防范所有的威胁,无论是内部还是外部的威胁。

69、Home is where love resides. 家是爱的寄托。


71、Home is the place where our story begins. 家是我们故事开始的地方。


73、Home is where we find joy and happiness. 家是我们找到快乐和幸福的地方。

74、Patriotism is not blind devotion but a commitment to making our country a better place. 爱国主义不是盲目的狂热,而是致力于让我们的国家变得更好的承诺。


76、Patriotism is not a hate-filled passion, but a love-filled purpose. 爱国主义不是充满仇恨的激情,而是充满爱的目标。

77、Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. 爱国主义是流氓的避难所。


79、The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. 生命中最大的荣耀不在于从未跌倒,而在于每次跌倒之后都能重新站起来。


81、The greatness of a nation can be judged by how it treats its weakest members. 一个国家的伟大之处在于如何对待它最弱者。


83、Home is where friends become family. 家是朋友变成家人的地方。

84、Home is where we create memories with our loved ones. 家是我们和我们所爱的人创造记忆的地方。



87、Patriotism means respecting the diversity of our country and its people. 爱国主义意味着尊重我们国家和人民的多样性。

88、Home is where we express ourselves freely and authentically. 家是我们自由和真诚地表达自己的地方。

89、Home is where we should feel secure and comfortable. 家是我们应该感到安全和舒适的地方。

90、Home is where memories are made. 家是记忆的沉淀。

91、A country is made up of its history and its people. 一个国家由其历史和人民组成。


93、The spirit of a nation is reflected in its culture. 一个国家的精神在其文化中体现。

94、Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. 爱国主义意味着支持国家。它不意味着支持总统或其他公职人员,除非他自己恰好与国家保持一致。

95、A country's future depends on the education and empowerment of its people. 一个国家的未来取决于其人民的教育和赋权。


97、A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. 一个害怕让人民在开放市场上判断真假的国家是害怕它的人民。

98、Home is where we find comfort and solace. 家是我们找到安慰和慰藉的地方。

99、The strength of a country lies in its unity. 一个国家的力量在于团结。

100、Home is where we feel safe and secure. 家是我们感到安全和安心的地方。

101、Home is where happiness begins. 家是幸福的起点。

102、A home is where laughter and memories are made. 家是创造欢笑和回忆的地方。

103、A country's progress is determined by the progress of its people. 一个国家的进步是由其人民的进步决定的。

104、Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it. 爱国主义就是始终支持你的国家,当政府值得的时候就支持它。


106、Home is the starting place of love, hope, and dreams. 家是爱、希望和梦想的起点。

107、Our country is our pride and our honor. 我们的国家是我们的骄傲和荣誉。



110、Patriotism is not blind obedience to government, but the defense of the values that make us a nation. 爱国主义不是盲目服从政府,而是维护使我们成为一个国家的价值观。

111、Patriotism means standing up for what is right for our country. 爱国主义意味着为我们的国家挺身而出。



114、Home is not a place, it's a feeling. 家不是一个地方,而是一种感觉。

115、Patriotism is about taking pride in our country's achievements and progress. 爱国主义是为我们国家的成就和进展感到自豪。

116、Patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime. 爱国主义不是短暂的热情爆发,而是一生的平静坚定。


118、A home without books is like a body without a soul. 没有书籍的家庭就像没有灵魂的身体。

119、Home is where my heart belongs. 家是我心灵所归之处。



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